TITLE: A New Optimization Method for Machine Learning and Stochastic

SPEAKER:  Jorge Nocedal


We present a "semi-stochastic" Newton method motivated by machine
learning problems with very large training sets as well as by the
availability of powerful distributed computing environments. The
method employs sampled Hessian information to accelerate convergence
and enjoys convergence guarantees. We illustrate its performance on
multiclass logistic models for the speech recognition system
developed at Google. An extension of the method to the sparse L1
setting as well as a complexity analysis will also be presented. 
This is joint work with Will Neveitt (Google), Richard Byrd
(Colorado) and Gillian Chin (Northwestern).

Short Bio:

Jorge Nocedal is a professor in the IEMS and EECS departments at
Northwestern University. He obtained a BS from the National
University of Mexico and a PhD from Rice University. His research
interests are in optimization and scientific computing, and in their
application to machine learning, computer-aided design and financial
engineering. He is the author (with Steve Wright) of the book
"Numerical Optimization."

He is a SIAM Fellow, an ISI Highly Cited Researcher (Mathematics
Category), and was an invited speaker at the 1998 International
Congress of Mathematicians. He serves in the editorial board of
Mathematical Programming, and in 2011 he will become editor-in-chief
of SIAM Journal on Optimization. In 1998 he was appointed Bette and
Neison Harris Professor of Teaching Excellence at Northwestern.