The Ph.D. programs offered by the Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering equip graduates with strong methodological skills and an ability to produce impactful research results within the disciplines represented in the School faculty. ISyE Ph.D. alumni take up research and teaching positions at top universities worldwide, or join research groups in government or industry.


Current Doctoral Students

Doctoral Programs

Christos Alexopoulos
Associate Chair for Graduate Studies,
Kiplinger Faculty Fellow,
Santanu Dey
Director of Doctoral Recruiting and Admissions,
Anderson-Interface Chair,
Amanda Ford
Academic Program Manager II

Future Students

Core Ph.D. Degrees

Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering

Providing rigorous coverage of core IE and OR methodology, with application to challenges within critical systems such as supply chains, healthcare, manufacturing, information technology, and energy. The degree is offered in four different specializations: Supply Chain Engineering, Statistics, Economic Decision Analysis, and Systems Informatics and Control.

Ph.D. in Operations Research

Our degree in Operations Research is one of the largest programs in the country, approximately half of the ISyE faculty are directly responsible for the OR program through teaching and research activities that span virtually every topic and sub-discipline related to the field's basic methodologies of optimization, stochastics/applied probability and simulation.

Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Degrees

Ph.D. in Algorithms, Combinatorics, and Optimization

Algorithms, Combinatorics and Optimization is a multidisciplinary program sponsored jointly by the College of Computing, the Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering, and the School of Mathematics.

Ph.D. in Bioinformatics

The Bioinformatics Program is an interdisciplinary doctoral program with Biology, Biomedical Engineering, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Computational Sciences and Engineering, Industrial and Systems Engineering, and Mathematics.

Ph.D. in Computational Science and Engineering

The Computational Science & Engineering doctoral program is a joint program between the Colleges of Computing, College of Engineering, and the Science Program.

Ph.D. in Machine Learning

The Center for Machine Learning at Georgia Tech is an Interdisciplinary Research Center that is both a home for thought leaders and a training ground for the next generation of pioneers.