2024 LeeAnn and Walter Muller Distinguished Lecture Series - Dr. Russell Meller
Chief Scientist at FORTNA
Lecture: From Academia to Industry: Observations of a Traveler
Marcus Nanotechnology Building, Room 1116-1118
Tuesday, October 29, 2024
The ISyE Distinguished Lecture Series was established in 2008 to promote discussion on critical issues in the fields of industrial and systems engineering by bringing in prominent scholars and business leaders who engage and share their expertise with students, faculty, and alumni. In 2018, it became the LeeAnn and Walter Muller Distinguished Lecture Series, thanks to a generous gift from LeeAnn and Walter Muller.
2024 LeeAnn and Walter Murray Distinguished Leadership Lecture
Guest Speaker: Russell Meller
Chief Scientist at FORTNA
Lecture Title: From Academia to Industry: Observations of a Traveler
2024 LeeAnn and Walter Murray Distinguished Scholarship Lecture
Guest Speaker: Wei Chen
Wilson-Cook Professor in Engineering Design and Chair of Mechanical Engineering
McCormick School of Engineering, Northwestern University
Lecture Title: Latent Variable Gaussian Process (LVGP) for Adaptive, Interpretable, and Multifidelity Design for Emerging Materials and Structures
2023 LeeAnn and Walter Murray Distinguished Leadership Lecture
Guest Speaker: Ann Dunkin
Chief Information Officer, U.S. Department of Energy
Lecture Title: Modeling for Energy Resilience: How DOE uses simulation to model and manage everything from the power grid to the strategic petroleum reserve.
2022 LeeAnn and Walter Murray Distinguished Scholarship Lecture
Guest Speaker: Michael I. Jordan
Pehong Chen Distinguished Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and the Department of Statistics, University of California-Berkeley
Lecture Title: On Dynamics-Informed Blending of Machine Learning and Microeconomics
2021 LeeAnn and Walter Muller Distinguished Scholarship Lecture
Guest Speaker: S. Jack Hu
Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs & Provost, University of Georgia
Lecture Title: Industrial Internet of Things and Smart Personalized Manufacturing
2019 LeeAnn and Walter Muller Distinguished Scholarship Lecture
Guest Speaker: M. Elisabeth Paté-Cornell
Burt and Deedee McMurtry Professor, School of Engineering, Stanford University
Lecture Title: Cyber Risk Analysis: Three Aspects of Model Formulation in Support of Risk Management
2018 Distinguished Scholarship Lecture
Guest Speaker: David L. Donoho
Anne T. and Robert M. Bass Professor in the Humanities and Sciences and Professor of Statistics, Department of Statistics, Stanford University
Lecture Title: Compressed Sensing - from Blackboard to Bedside
2017 Distinguished Leadership Lecture
Guest Speaker: Brenda Dietrich
IBM Fellow and Vice President, IBM
Lecture Title: Riding Technology Waves: Perspectives on the Deployment of Operations Research Methods
2016 Distinguished Scholarship Lecture
Guest Speaker: Edward H. Kaplan
William N. and Marie A. Beach Professor of Operations Research, Yale University
Lecture Title: Adventures in Policy Modeling!
2015 Distinguished Scholarship Lecture
Guest Speaker: Dimitris Bertsimas
Boeing Professor of Operations Research and co-director of the Operations Research Center, MIT
Lecture Title: Multivariate Statistics and Machine Learning under a Modern Optimization Lens
2014 Distinguished Leadership Lecture
Guest Speaker: John Marshall
Senior Vice President and General Manager of VMware AirWatch
Lecture Title: Lessons Learned on Hard Work, Thinking Ahead, and Just Showing Up
2013 Distinguished Leadership Lecture
Guest Speaker: Guy Primus
Co-founder and Managing Director
Thrillerdome Ventures
Lecture Title: I, Optimize: The Application of IE Principles to the Business of Entertainment
2011 ISyE Distinguished Lecture
Guest Speaker: Avishai "Avi" Mandelbaum
Benjamin and Florence Free Chair Professor of Operations Research, Statistics and Service Engineering, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Lecture Title: Service Engineering: Data-based Science in Support of Service Management, or Empirical Adventures in Call Centers and Hospitals
2010 ISyE Distinguished Lecture
Guest Speaker: Bradley Efron
Max H. Stein Professor of Statistics and Biostatistics, School of Humanities and Sciences and Department of Health Research and Policy, Stanford University
Lecture Title: Learning from the Experience of Others
2009 ISyE Distinguished Lecture
Guest Speaker: Lawrence Wein
Professor, Graduate School of Business, Stanford University
Lecture Title: Operations Research and Homeland Security: From Models to Implementation
2008 ISyE Distinguished Lecture
Guest Speaker: William "Bill" Pulleyblank
Vice President, Center for Business Optimization, IBM Global Business Services
Lecture Title: Computing, Business, and Operations Research: The Next Challenges
For more information on the LeeAnn and Walter Muller Distinguished Lecture Series, please contact