We are thrilled to announce the newest addition to the School of Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISyE) faculty at Georgia Tech— Dr. Ying (Laura) Li . With a distinctive academic journey and a commitment to innovative teaching, Dr. Li brings a fresh perspective to our community.  

Q: What inspired you to pursue a career in academia, and how does your background relate to your current role? 

A: "My parents were college professors. When I was a kid, I saw how much respect they were getting from their students. My family background and personal experiences both inspire me to pursue a career in academia." 

Q: Can you share your main teaching objectives and what you hope your students will gain from your courses? 

A: "I embed critical thinking into my teaching materials. I encourage students to understand the drivers for and insights from mathematical solutions and explore practical implications. I hope students can gain problem-solving skills and critical thinking abilities from my courses." 

Q: Are there specific teaching methods or tools you're enthusiastic about implementing in your classes? 

A: "I believe in letting students take responsibility for their own learning. My courses are constructed to encourage active learning. Students become active seekers of information, more engaged, and better able to retain relevant information." 

Q: How can we support you in your professional development and in achieving your academic goals? 

A: "My academic goal is to be an excellent instructor and a caring mentor. I hope ISyE can support me in exploring new and more effective ways to teach, including experimenting with new teaching software and applications." 

Q: Any extracurricular or research activities you're planning to engage in that you'd like to share? 

A: "My main responsibility is teaching, and I look forward to helping students apply textbook knowledge to real-world projects. My research involves capacity, technology, and inventory management, healthcare operations management, and data modeling for decision-making." 

ISyE at Georgia Tech is excited to welcome Dr. Laura Ying Li, anticipating the unique perspectives and contributions she will bring to our academic community. Welcome, Dr. Li! 

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