
Starting Semester: Fall 2024
Assigned: Yes
Location: Atlanta

Georgia Power Company

Client Profile

Georgia Power is the largest electric subsidiary of Southern Company (NYSE: SO), America's premier energy company. Value, Reliability, Customer Service and Stewardship are the cornerstones of the company's promise to 2.7 million customers in all but four of Georgia's 159 counties. Committed to delivering clean, safe, reliable and affordable energy, Georgia Power maintains a diverse, innovative generation mix that includes nuclear, coal and natural gas, as well as renewables such as solar, hydroelectric and wind. Georgia Power focuses on delivering world-class service to its customers every day and the company is recognized by J.D. Power as an industry leader in customer satisfaction. For more information, visit www.GeorgiaPower.com and connect with the company on Facebook (Facebook.com/GeorgiaPower), Twitter (Twitter.com/GeorgiaPower) and Instagram (Instagram.com/ga_power).

Project Description


GPC’s transmission estimating application is called Teams. Teams uses two different types of estimating units, Basic Units and Assemblies. Basic Units contain all the accounting, labor, and material information. Assemblies contain a list of Basic Units. Basic units can be further subdivided into “Library” and “User Defined” aka UDBU (pronounced oodaboo).

Over the past few months, we developed an approved material list (AML) to simplify our materials, which is a key component of our material strategy. The approved material list is based upon a consolidated design philosophy unique to GPC with the aim to reduce the material choices in the Basic Units within the Assemblies. The material strategy is designed to improve transmission construction project execution and the efficiency of the entire supply chain value stream.

Because the number of Basic Units and Assemblies in the Teams library is extensive and Library units can only be created and maintained by the Library Administrator, we decided, as an interim step, to create UDBUs using the approved material list.

We knew from the beginning that this approach was only an interim step and that at some point we would need to revise the Library Units in order to embed the AML into the standard estimating process rather than UDBUs, which were designed to be temporary in nature.

This project will focus on two important enablers in support of our material strategy’s three focus areas:

1. Incorporation of the AML into the Teams Library units and,

2. Implementation of the AML into our inventory management process

Problem(s) to be solved:

1. Which Teams library units require revision to incorporate the AML items?

2. How do we identify and manage future Teams library revisions?

3. How do we identify quantities required to support construction projects designed prior to the AML and phase out existing inventory / ramp down new procurement / pending obsolescence items to minimize waste

Tasks (in order of priority, time permitting):

1. Using the AML and ODBUs as a reference, analyze the library and identify those Library Units that contain AML items so they can easily be identified and prioritized for revision by integrating the UBDUs.

2. Develop a Library maintenance tool that will enable impacted Library Units to be identified when additions or deletions are made to the AML so that revisions can be made quickly.

3. Using storeroom data, estimates in Teams, and the AML develop a strategy to improve inventory efficiency.

4. Using the AML as a reference, analyze storeroom 68295 and identity items that are not on the AML and within that set identify items that are an acceptable substitution for an AML item.


Process Improvement, inventory management and analysis, data analysis, problem solving, and creative thinking.