Faculty Positions
The H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISyE) at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, Georgia, invites applications for multiple tenure-track faculty positions. Appointments can be made at the Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Professor ranks, commensurate with the individual's record. Applicants from all research areas relevant to the discipline will be considered. Candidates are also expected to demonstrate an exceptional commitment to the teaching and mentoring of students.
Georgia Tech prides itself on its technological resources, collaborations, high-quality student body, and its commitment to building an outstanding and diverse community of learning, discovery, and creation. We strongly encourage applicants whose values align with our institutional values, as outlined in our Strategic Plan. These values include academic excellence, diversity of thought and experience, inquiry and innovation, collaboration and community, and ethical behavior and stewardship. Georgia Tech has policies to promote a healthy work-life balance and is aware that attracting faculty may require meeting the needs of two careers.
Job Responsibilities
ISyE faculty are expected to lead independent research at the cutting edge of their field and build a strong sponsored‐research program. In addition, they are expected to contribute to both undergraduate and graduate teaching, as well as service to the school, institute, and profession.
Minimum and Preferred Qualifications
An earned doctorate is required by the start of the appointment. Successful candidates have an exemplary track record of research accomplishments as well as expertise or demonstrated interest in teaching and service.
Application Requirements
Applicants should submit, in five separate pdf files: (1) a letter of application; (2) curriculum vitae; (3) a statement of research interests; (4) a statement of education interests addressing teaching interests and advising/mentoring philosophy (including teaching evaluations, if available); and (5) the names and contact information for three references. Requests for information may be directed to the search committee chair, Dr. Katya Scheinberg, at facultysearch@isye.gatech.edu. Applications will be considered effective immediately, but the search will continue until the positions are filled. Candidates who plan to attend the INFORMS Annual Meeting in Seattle and would like to be considered for a brief off-site interview should submit their application by October 5. A background check must be completed prior to beginning employment.
About Georgia Tech
Georgia Tech is a top-ranked public research university situated in the heart of Atlanta, a diverse and vibrant city with numerous economic and cultural strengths. The Institute serves more than 45,000 students through top-ranked undergraduate, graduate, and executive programs in engineering, computing, science, business, design, and liberal arts. Georgia Tech’s faculty attracted more than $1.4 billion in research awards this past year in fields ranging from biomedical technology to artificial intelligence, energy, sustainability, semiconductors, neuroscience, and national security. Georgia Tech ranks among the nation’s top 20 universities for research and development spending and #1 among institutions without a medical school.
Georgia Tech’s mission and values
Georgia Tech’s mission is to develop leaders who advance technology and improve the human condition. The Institute has nine key values that are foundational to everything we do:
- Students are our top priority.
- We strive for excellence.
- We thrive on diversity.
- We celebrate collaboration.
- We champion innovation.
- We safeguard freedom of inquiry and expression.
- We nurture the wellbeing of our community.
- We act ethically.
- We are responsible stewards.
Over the next decade, Georgia Tech will become an example of inclusive innovation, a leading technological research university of unmatched scale, relentlessly committed to serving the public good; breaking new ground in addressing the biggest local, national, and global challenges and opportunities of our time; making technology broadly accessible; and developing exceptional, principled leaders from all backgrounds ready to produce novel ideas and create solutions with real human impact.
About the H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering
The H. Milton School of Industrial and Systems Engineering is a leading unit within the Georgia Institute of Technology. The faculty of the school lead the discipline and is renowned for its focus on advancing theoretical and methodological frontiers as well as the application of analytical principles to the solution of real-world problems of industrial, societal, and global concern. The school offers undergraduate and graduate degrees in industrial engineering, operations research, analytics, machine learning, and related fields, and its core programs have been ranked #1 in the nation for 23 (undergraduate) and 34 (graduate) consecutive years by U.S. News & World Report.
Director of Undergraduate Advising
Georgia Tech prides itself on its technological resources, collaborations, high-quality student body, and its commitment to building an outstanding and diverse community of learning, discovery, and creation. We strongly encourage applicants whose values align with our institutional values, as outlined in our Strategic Plan. These values include academic excellence, diversity of thought and experience, inquiry and innovation, collaboration and community, and ethical behavior and stewardship. Georgia Tech has policies to promote a healthy work-life balance and is aware that attracting faculty may require meeting the needs of two careers.
About Georgia Tech
Georgia Tech is a top-ranked public research university situated in the heart of Atlanta, a diverse and vibrant city with numerous economic and cultural strengths. The Institute serves more than 45,000 students through top-ranked undergraduate, graduate, and executive programs in engineering, computing, science, business, design, and liberal arts. Georgia Tech’s faculty attracted more than $1.4 billion in research awards this past year in fields ranging from biomedical technology to artificial intelligence, energy, sustainability, semiconductors, neuroscience, and national security. Georgia Tech ranks among the nation’s top 20 universities for research and development spending and No. 1 among institutions without a medical school.
Georgia Tech’s Mission and Values
Georgia Tech’s mission is to develop leaders who advance technology and improve the human condition. The Institute has nine key values that are foundational to everything we do:
- Students are our top priority.
- We strive for excellence.
- We thrive on diversity.
- We celebrate collaboration.
- We champion innovation.
- We safeguard freedom of inquiry and expression.
- We nurture the wellbeing of our community.
- We act ethically.
- We are responsible stewards.
Over the next decade, Georgia Tech will become an example of inclusive innovation, a leading technological research university of unmatched scale, relentlessly committed to serving the public good; breaking new ground in addressing the biggest local, national, and global challenges and opportunities of our time; making technology broadly accessible; and developing exceptional, principled leaders from all backgrounds ready to produce novel ideas and create solutions with real human impact.
About the School of Industrial and Systems Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology
The H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISyE) has achieved national and international prominence through its tradition of unparalleled excellence and leadership in research, education, and service. ISyE has almost fifty world-class faculty members, top-notch students including 1,500 undergraduates and 400 graduate students, outstanding curricula, and extensive research focused on improving quality of life. ISyE supports a broad spectrum of academic concentrations with several that have achieved best-in-class rankings. Fifteen different academic degrees are awarded by ISyE, from the bachelor to the Ph.D. level. More information can be found at http://www.isye.gatech.edu.
Georgia Tech is an Equal Education/ Employment Opportunity Institute.
Job Summary
The H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering of Georgia Institute of Technology invites applications for an academic non-tenure track position to serve as faculty advisor to undergraduate ISyE students and teach one ISyE course per semester. The responsibilities span three main functions:
- Direct undergraduate advising, work with the associate chair of undergraduate studies and director of student services to create and implement advising policies and procedures
- Supervise three academic advisors
- Academically advise a large number of IE undergraduate students on their degree requirements: course plans, IE track selection, study abroad, coop and internships, minors and certificates, etc.
- Provide career counseling and referrals
- Teach IE focused GT 1000 for freshman students in the fall
- Advise IISE student chapter
- Coordinate all FASET orientation sessions for admitted students
- Advise ISyE Ambassadors
- Serve on various Institute-level undergraduate-focused committees as needed
- Attend meetings of UCC
- Serve as department liaison for advising software
- Represent ISyE at College of Engineering Advising Managers meetings
- Participate and be a liaison in undergrad recruiting activities, including monthly information sessions and annual admissions events for prospective students
- Liaison to undergraduate students’ industry recruiters
- Teach 1 ISyE course per semester in area of expertise
Other duties may be assigned as needed by the Director of Student Services and the School Chair.
Required Documents to Attach
- current curriculum vitae;
- a letter of application;
- a teaching statement and (if available) teaching evaluations;
- contact information for three (3) references.
Application materials should be submitted at https://careers.hprod.onehcm.usg.edu/psp/careers/CAREERS/HRMS/c/HRS_HRAM_FL.HRS_CG_SEARCH_FL.GBL?Page=HRS_APP_JBPST_FL&Action=U&FOCUS=Applicant&SiteId=3000&JobOpeningId=276533&PostingSeq=1.
Required Qualifications
This is an open rank search. The final job offer will be dependent on candidate qualifications in alignment with non-tenure track academic faculty ranks as outlined in section 3.2.2 of the Georgia Tech Faculty Handbook (https://www.policylibrary.gatech.edu/faculty-handbook/3.2.2-non-tenure-track-academic-faculty-members-hiring-and-promotion-guidelines).
Academic Professional
- Terminal degree in Industrial Engineering, Operation Research, or a related field
- Significant related experience or promotion from the rank of Associate Academic Professional (or equivalent)
- Quality of performance and potential development must be recognized by peers.
Senior Academic Professional
- Terminal degree in Industrial Engineering, Operation Research, or a related field
- Evidence of superior performance in the chosen field
- Recognition by peers (whether national, regional, or local)
- Successful and measurable related experience
- Five (5) years or more as an Academic Professional (or equivalent).
Background Check
The candidate of choice will be required to pass a pre-employment background screening. http://policylibrary.gatech.edu/employment/pre-employment-screening.
Contact Information
Requests for information may be directed to the search committee chair, Dr. Jon Lowe. Review of applications will begin September 30, 2024 and will continue until the position is filled.
Preferred Qualifications
Professional Experience
- University experience;
- Industry experience;
- Professional Licensure.
Skills and Competencies
- Strong proficiency in curriculum design and the ability to effectively integrate project-based learning into courses.
- Expertise in technical writing and the ability to coach others in effective communication, both written and oral.
- Proven ability to collaborate effectively with diverse teams of educators and students.
- Excellent organizational skills and the capacity to manage multiple projects simultaneously.
- A commitment to the educational development of students and a passion for continuous improvement in teaching methods.
Student Success Criteria
- The ability to teach and mentor a diverse student body.
- The ability to promote an inclusive and welcoming educational/work environment.
- The ability to mentor and assist students interested in pursuing graduate education.
- The ability to design and teach curricula that are responsive to a diverse student body.
- The ability to adopt teaching strategies that support the learning and success of all students.
- The ability to engage students in experiential learning activities and pedagogy that support student success.
- The ability to engage in high-impact practices that support deep learning for student success.
- Has expertise in teaching, scholarship, and/or service that contributes to access, diversity, and equal opportunity in higher education.
Named Postdoctoral Fellow Positions
The H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISyE) at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, Georgia, invites applications for multiple named Postdoctoral Fellow positions. Applicants from all research areas relevant to ISyE will be considered.
Georgia Tech prides itself on its technological resources, collaborations, high-quality student body, and its commitment to building an outstanding and diverse community of learning, discovery, and creation. We strongly encourage applicants whose values align with our institutional values, as outlined in our Strategic Plan. These values include academic excellence, diversity of thought and experience, inquiry and innovation, collaboration and community, and ethical behavior and stewardship. Georgia Tech has policies to promote a healthy work-life balance and is aware that attracting faculty may require meeting the needs of two careers.
Job Responsibilities
Named Postdoctoral Fellows will be expected to perform independent research at the cutting edge of their field in collaboration with a faculty mentor within the school. Candidates will be evaluated on their academic accomplishments; the strength of their research proposal; and their potential for faculty careers that will value diversity of backgrounds and perspectives that are essential to teaching, learning, discovery, and creation, remove barriers to access and success, and building an inclusive community where people of all backgrounds have the opportunity to learn and contribute. The mentor's potential to work productively with the candidate and their commitment to these values will also be considered.
Minimum and Preferred Qualifications
An earned doctorate is required by the start of the appointment. Successful candidates should have a track record or the potential for research accomplishments as well as demonstrated interest in teaching and service.
Application Requirements
Applicants should submit the following materials: (1) letter of application; (2) curriculum vitae; (3) research proposal (up to two pages, not including references and citations); (4) letter from an ISyE faculty member (other than your Ph.D. dissertation advisor if you are currently a student in ISyE) indicating their commitment to serve as your primary mentor; (5) personal statement (up to one page, describing your personal background and your prior contributions and future plans related to the values described in the Job Responsibilities paragraph above); (6) thesis abstract (up to one page); (7) writing sample (sample publication or paper, max. 35 pages not including references and citations); (8) names and contact information for three references. Requests for information may be directed to ISyE’s Associate Chair for Faculty Development, Dr. Pinar Keskinocak (isye-postdocsearch@isye.gatech.edu). Review of applications will begin immediately, but the search will continue until the positions are filled. A background check must be completed prior to beginning employment.
About Georgia Tech
Georgia Tech is a top-ranked public research university situated in the heart of Atlanta, a diverse and vibrant city with numerous economic and cultural strengths. The Institute serves more than 45,000 students through top-ranked undergraduate, graduate, and executive programs in engineering, computing, science, business, design, and liberal arts. Georgia Tech’s faculty attracted more than $1.4 billion in research awards this past year in fields ranging from biomedical technology to artificial intelligence, energy, sustainability, semiconductors, neuroscience, and national security. Georgia Tech ranks among the nation’s top 20 universities for research and development spending and #1 among institutions without a medical school.
Georgia Tech’s mission and values
Georgia Tech’s mission is to develop leaders who advance technology and improve the human condition. The Institute has nine key values that are foundational to everything we do:
- Students are our top priority.
- We strive for excellence.
- We thrive on diversity.
- We celebrate collaboration.
- We champion innovation.
- We safeguard freedom of inquiry and expression.
- We nurture the wellbeing of our community.
- We act ethically.
- We are responsible stewards.
Over the next decade, Georgia Tech will become an example of inclusive innovation, a leading technological research university of unmatched scale, relentlessly committed to serving the public good; breaking new ground in addressing the biggest local, national, and global challenges and opportunities of our time; making technology broadly accessible; and developing exceptional, principled leaders from all backgrounds ready to produce novel ideas and create solutions with real human impact.
About the H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering
The H. Milton School of Industrial and Systems Engineering is a leading unit within the Georgia Institute of Technology. The faculty of the school lead the discipline and is renowned for its focus on advancing theoretical and methodological frontiers as well as the application of analytical principles to the solution of real-world problems of industrial, societal, and global concern. The school offers undergraduate and graduate degrees in industrial engineering, operations research, analytics, machine learning, and related fields, and its core programs have been ranked #1 in the nation for 23 (undergraduate) and 34 (graduate) consecutive years by U.S. News & World Report.
Information and opportunity requests may be directed to ISyE’s Associate Chair for Faculty Development, Dr. Pinar Keskinocak (isye-postdocsearch@isye.gatech.edu).