The GT GradWorks Interface allows students, faculty, and their supporting staff to view and submit GRA, GTA, and GA position hire requests. This is a semester-by-semester job management and reporting system.
Deadlines for Support Form Completion
Students and their faculty must complete support forms by the following dates each semester/year. These deadlines are driven by the accounting processes required by Georgia Tech Payroll, Bursar’s, and Financial Aid offices for receipt of tuition waivers and stipend payments.
- Fall term submit by July 1st
- Spring term submit by November 1st
- Summer term submit by April 1st
ISyE Graduate Student Guide for Completing the Support Request
All students, regardless of major/program, must complete an online request for student support each semester. This support request serves three critical functions. First, the information submitted by the student is used by the work department to determine the appropriate stipend payment by homeschool. Second, the information is used by the student home school Graduate Program Coordinator to determine the appropriate tuition waiver for the student. Third, students should self-report all fellowships received. This data will aid in determining supplemental support (if applicable) and the application of the appropriate tuition waiver. This request must be updated each term, even if the source of funding has not changed.
Step 1: Log in:
Step 2: For new student hires (not hired previously at GT) select “Request Job for New Student” and complete available fields. Continuing students should select “Request for Next Semester” and complete the available fields.
Step 3: Review student information and self-report fellowships.
- Login to Passport to update your email information, if needed.
- Contact your Academic Office to correct information, if needed.
- Confirm existing fellowships (i.e., start/end terms and amount per term).
- Add new fellowships not listed, if any.
Step 4: Initiate hire request:
- Select Student: Search for your name in drop down menu.
- Select Advisor: Search for advisor name in drop down menu.
- Select Stipend Period: Select Monthly.
- Select % time: ISyE standard percent time is 40% for fall and spring semesters. Please discuss summer funding with your advisor.
- Select Start Term/Year: Choose from drop down term/year.
- Add: Comments/Attachments (i.e., fellowship award letter).

Faculty or Delegate Guide for Approving the Support Request
After students complete their support request, the system routes the request to the assigned faculty advisors for the first approval stage. Faculty members should enter support project numbers, confirm stipend amount, support period, and add any additional comments as needed.
Step 1: Log in:
Step 2: Click “My Actions” or “Manage my Graduate Students“.
Step 3: Under Manage my Graduate Students, click the appropriate Green or Blue “Action” Tab for the applicable action for each student.
The Workday Driver Tag for the departmentally-supported portion of the GTA is DE00006505.
Step 4: If you do not see a job request or a student that you want to continue for next semester, click “Create a Job Request” or contact the student to initiate the new hire request.

- Students must personally update their support forms each term.
- Faculty members (or their designees) approve and provide updated account details.
- Strict adherence to the aforementioned deadlines by both students and faculty members is required in order for stipends and any applicable tuition waivers to be processed.
Any changes to a student’s status (e.g., receiving a fellowship after support form completion or changing the planned graduation term) should be reported to both the Academic and Finance Offices as soon as possible. Students should initiate a new request through GT GradWorks to update financial support.