When: March 21-23, 2012

Where: Hamburg, Germany at the Curio-Haus

Who: The conference, which was initiated and organized by the Georgia Tech Health and Humanitarian Logistics Center since 2009, will be hosted by The Kühne Logistics University (KLU) in Hamburg, Germany, at the Curio-Haus. The conference is co-organized by the KLU-INSEAD Research Center on Humanitarian Logistics, the Georgia Tech Health and Humanitarian Logistics Center, and the Humanitarian Logistics Association (HLA).
What: The focus of this year's conference is "Creating Sustainable Health and Humanitarian Systems" and brings together high level speakers from across the health and humanitarian sectors, including non-governmental organizations (NGOs), industry, government, etc.

For more information about the conference program, please visit http://humlog2012.the-klu.org/ or http://www.humanitarian.gatech.edu/humlog2012/ or email humlog2012@the-klu.org or humlog@isye.gatech.edu.