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Affiliate Assistant Professor
- Ph.D. Operations Research (2017), Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- B.Tech & M.Tech Computer Science and Engineering (2011), Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
- Combinatorial, Convex and Robust Optimization
- Online and Machine Learning
- Fairness and Bias in Decisions
- Simons-Berkeley Research Fellowship for Bridging Continuous and Discrete Optimization and Real-Time Decision Making Programs Fall 2017 - Spring 2018
- Finalist in the INFORMS Service Section Student Paper Competition for the paper "Efficient Algorithm for Dynamic Pricing using a Graphical Representation", joint work with Maxime Cohen, Jeremy Kalas and Georgia Perakis. Fall 2016
- Special Recognition in the INFORMS Computing Society Student Paper Competition for the paper "What Works Best When? A Framework for Systematic Heuristic Evaluation", joint work with John Silberholz and Iain Dunning. Fall 2016
- Google Women in Engineering Award 2011