Oktay Günlük is a Gary C. Butler Family Professor in the H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering at Georgia Tech. Prior to joining Georgia Tech he was a professor of practice in the School of Operations Research and Information Engineering at Cornell University and the manager of the Mathematical Optimization and Algorithms group at IBM Research. He has also spent three years as a researcher in the Operations Research group in AT&T Labs. At both of these industrial labs, in addition to basic research in mathematical optimization, he has worked on various large-scale applied optimization projects for internal and external customers.
Professor Günlük's main research interests are related to theoretical and computational aspects of discrete optimization problems, mainly in the area of integer programming. In particular, his main body of work is in the area of cutting planes for mixed-integer sets. Some of his recent work focuses on developing integer programming-based approaches to classification and clustering problems in machine learning.
Spring 2025 Teaching: Discrete Optimization ISYE 4803