Matthieu Lauras

Adjunct Professor


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  • Ph.D. Systems Engineering - "Supply Chain Diagnosis and Performance Assessment" (2004), Toulouse Polytechnic National Institute (France)
  • M.Eng. Industrial Engineering (2001), IMT Mines Albi (France)
  • M.S. Systems Engineering (2001), Toulouse Polytechnic National Institute (France)


  • Demand Driven Adaptive Enterprise
  • Humanitarian Logistics
  • Operations Research
  • Physical Internet
  • Risk and Crisis Management
  • Supply Chain Management


Matthieu LAURAS is Full-Professor and Deputy-Head of the Industrial Engineering Center at IMT Mines Albi (France). He is Adjunct Professor at the Physical Internet Center, School of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology (USA) and member of the International Associated Laboratory SIReN (Sentient Immersive Response Networks Lab) between Georgia Institute of Technology (USA) and Institut Mines Telecom (France). He is the Pierre Fabre “Agile Supply Chain” Chair and the Scientific Director of various public-private joint research labs and research projects. He is the Founder and Director of the international MSc SCALE (Supply Chain And LEan management). He is Affiliate Professor at the School of Economics and Management, Beijing Jiaotong University (China) and Toulouse Business School (France). He is also the scientific director of the Supply Chain Management consulting and training company AGILEA (France) which he cofounded in 2009.

His research works develop contributions to support collaborative networks’ stakeholders to better make their decisions in uncertain and/or disruptive environment. His research activities concern both industrial management systems and crisis management systems such as humanitarian supply chains. His main scientific abilities mainly relate to Operations Research (linear optimization, heuristics and metaheuristics), Discrete Event Simulation, Enterprise Modelling (business process and ontology management, performance measurement systems) and Data Analysis. He stands at the crossroads of industrial engineering; operations research; computer sciences; supply chain management; artificial intelligence; and risk management. His research works are systematically field-oriented and currently focus on the application of Physical Internet and Demand-Driven Adaptive Enterprise paradigms. He also has strong entrepreneurial and collaborative research experience with industry. He worked with dozens of industrial partners in various sectors such as cosmetic, pharmacy, automotive, aeronautic, healthcare, humanitarian, transportation, consulting, etc.