Joseph H Boone

Ph.D. Student - Operations Research


 ISyE Main 321



  • Ph.D. Operations Research (Expected 2026), Georgia Institute of Technology
  • B.S. Industrial & Systems Engineering (2021), Georgia Institute of Technology


Haden Boone is a Ph.D. student in Operations Research at the Georgia Institute of Technology. He is a recipient of the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship (NSF GRFP), the GT Herbert P. Haley Fellowship, and the GT ISyE Ronald J. and Carol T. Beerman President’s Fellowship award. His primary research interests are in the fields of game theory, large-scale optimization with an emphasis on network security and resiliency, as well as applied statistics and simulation in the area of risk-averse system design. His projects include:

  • Network security and interdiction games
  • Large-scale logistics planning under strategic disruption
  • Decomposition methods for non-cost-focused logistics problems
  • Quantile estimation algorithms based on standardized time-series