Lingchao Mao

Ph.D. Student - Machine Learning


 ISyE Main 428
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  • Ph.D. Machine Learning (Expected 2025), Georgia Institute of Technology
  • M.S. Computer Science (2024), Georgia Institute of Technology
  • B.S. Statistics; Industrial Engineering (2020), North Carolina State University


Lingchao Mao is a Ph.D. student in Machine Learning at the H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering. She holds bachelor's degrees in Industrial and Systems Engineering and in Statistics from North Carolina State University. She is a recipient of the H. Milton Stewart Fellowship, Williams S. Green Fellowship, and George Family Fellowship. Currently, she is a Research Assistant working with Dr. Jing Li.

Her research interests include methodological developments in statistics and machine learning, specifically predictive modeling, multi-modal data fusion, and knowledge-informed machine learning. Her research has been applied to healthcare applications for diagnosis and prognosis of diseases including brain cancer, Alzheimer's Disease, and post-traumatic headaches.