Seong-Hee Kim



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  • Ph.D. Industrial Engineering and Management Science (2001), Northwestern University
  • M.S. Industrial Engineering and Management Science (1998), Northwestern University
  • B.S. Industrial Management (1997), Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology


  • Simulation
  • Applied Statistics


Seong-Hee Kim is a Professor in the H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering at Georgia Tech.

Dr. Kim's research interest centers on ranking and selection procedures for stochastic simulation, optimization via simulation, statistical output analysis, quality control, and applications of simulation methods to environmental management. Dr. Kim received INFORMS Simulation Society Outstanding Simulation Publication Award in 2006 and the NSF Career Award in 2007.

Dr. Kim received a B.S. in Industrial Management from Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) and an M.S. & Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences from Northwestern University.