ISyE has a substantial computing infrastructure maintained by a team of six full-time computer professionals who support ISyE-specific applications in the computer labs as well as graduate, faculty, staff computing systems, and a large set of research super-computing clusters.

ISyE IT Services

ISyE Unix Accounts

ISyE faculty, staff, long-term visitors, and GRADUATE students may apply for access to ISyE UNIX resources.

An ISyE UNIX account provides the following

  • A UNIX account home directory
  • access to the appropriate UNIX resources

Please note that it usually takes 24-48 hours to process a request.

The following does not require an ISyE UNIX account

  • Buzzcard access for physical access to the ISyE buildings and computer labs. Newly registered ISyE students are automatically added to our Buzzcard system the week a semester starts. If your Buzzcard fails to work, please email noting your full name and GTID.
  • Login access to the computers located in the computer labs. Computers located in these labs authenticate using your GT/OIT computer account credentials.

Apply for an ISyE computer account:
On-Campus Link

Apply from off-campus:

High Performance Computing

ISyE maintains a high performance computational cluster configured specifically for it's users. Our cluster consists of both general departmental hardware as well as faculty-owned systems. We use the HTCondor resource management system from Wisconsin. As such, any idle cycles are available to the department at large. Faculty-owned systems have owner-priority preemption.

We maintain a full complement of software on the cluster. Programs and products include but are not limited to Matlab, Mathematica, CPLEX, Gurobi, AMPL, GAMS, Python, R, SAS, and Xpress.

Currently we have 77 systems in the cluster. Rough totals for resources are 2,340 cores of x86-64 processing with over 28.9TB of memory spread across the systems. Systems are connected via ten gigabit and gigabit ethernet.

For future HPC efforts, ISyE is developing a full OpenStack cluster to support various computing needs including but not limited to Windows-based compute, Hadoop, Apache Spark and others.

Software Licensing

Licensing for all departmental software is handled through ISyE Information Technology. Software to be installed on ISyE equipment in student labs or in student offices must be approved by ISyE IT. Please email for specific details.

Installation of ISyE Software on personal machines, or installation of your personal software on ISyE machines without prior approval, is illegal. ISyE laboratory machines are maintained and refreshed on a weekly basis. All non-ISyE software found installed on ISyE machines will be deleted.

If you need to download or install a licensed version of software, email Only administrators are allowed to install any type of software/update to any of the machines (this includes chat clients, music players, torrents, etc.)

Software will not be installed on your system without proof of a valid license.

Sample of Software Available in the ISyE Computer Labs




AMPL is a comprehensive and powerful algebraic modeling language for linear and nonlinear optimization problems, in discrete or continuous variables.


Anaconda is a distribution of the Python and R programming languages for scientific computing, that aims to simplify package management and deployment


mapping and analytics software


Simulation software


(CPLEX) Optimizers for solving linear, mixed-integer, and quadratic programming problems. (OPL Studio) A set of lightweight C++ and Java objects for representing optimization problems.


Software tool for publishing and managing bibliographies.


Distribution fitting software


FTP Client


Force is a full-featured programming environment for FORTRAN 77 (the engineering programming language). It uses the FORTRAN G77 compiler to create programs in Win32 platform.


High-level modeling system for mathematical programming problems.


PostScript and PDF interpretor


PostScript and PDF interpretor


The GLPK (GNU Linear Programming Kit) package is intended for solving large-scale linear programming (LP), mixed integer programming (MIP), and other related problems


State-of-the-art linear programming (LP) and mixed-integer programming
(MIP) solver.

Java SDK

Compiler, tools, runtimes, and APIs for writing, deploying, and running applets
and applications in the Java programming language


Statistical Analysis Software


Integrates a numeric and symbolic computational engine, graphics system, programming language, documentation system, and advanced connectivity to other applications.


Tool for model-based design of control systems

Microsoft Map Point

Powerful mapping software that makes it easy to combine business data with mapping and location

Microsoft Office

The Microsoft Office suite

Microsoft Visio

Complex drawing/visual communication tool

Microsoft Visual Studio 2019

Tools to build a wide range of application types, including component libraries, mobility-enabled applications, Web applications, Web services, and Windows applications.


Statistical software


Python is a programming language that lets you work quickly
and integrate systems more effectively


R is a language and environment for statistical computing and graphics

R Studio

Powerful IDE for R


SAS is an integrated system of software solutions that enables you to perform the following tasks: data entry, retrieval, and management. report writing and graphics design. statistical and mathematical analysis.


Rapid Modeling, Discrete-Event Simulation Software

TeX Live

TeX Live is a TeX distribution


TortoiseSVN is an Apache Subversion (SVN) client

Xpress MP

Optimizer and model building tools

Virtual Laboratory

ISyE, in conjunction with COE, is pleased to offer a virtual laboratory (VLab) to give ISyE students remote access to ISyE Software. To get access, view instructions below.

Access from the Citrix client:

  • Download the latest version of Citrix Workspace
  • Add  "" in Add Account window
  • Enter GT account and password in pop-up window and click Sign in
  • On the Desktops Tab, click on the ISYE-2021 Desktop

Access from the web:

Access is limited to ISyE students and GT students taking ISyE courses.

NOTE: All data should be saved back to your local machine or to the H: drive before logging out of the virtual machine.

Information Technology Group

Information Technology is responsible for the computing and networking infrastructure and technical support necessary to sustain all of the Stewart School's activities - instruction, research, and administration.

The IT staff is available to assist with any ISyE related computing issues between the hours of 8AM until 6PM (at a minimum) on weekdays.

If you experience any problems with ISyE computing equipment or facilities, please report them to the In the event of emergencies or when e-mail is not possible, service can be requested by contacting any member of Information Technology team. The staff can be reached in person in their office suites in the Groseclose building (suite 302 and room 305) and through our helpdesk phone line at 404-894-6518.

The ISyE IT Team is leveraging Georgia Tech's flexible working and telecommuting opportunities. Per ISyE policy, team members are telecommuting up to two days per week. Please see this calendar to know who is in the office on any given day, excepting scheduled vacations.

Helpdesk requests are prioritized based on the urgency of the request. If you do not receive help within what you think is a reasonable amount of time, please contact Lawrence Sharp at 404-894-0270, or email Lawrence Sharp, with a copy of your original helpdesk request.

IT Knowledgebase

Contact Helpdesk

Last 7 digits, if applicable.